Girls'Day at Bohemia Cristal

At the nationwide Girls' Day, where girls can get a taste of so-called typical male professions, four students got to know the apprenticeship "Specialist for warehouse logistics" at the glass trading company Bohemia Cristal. On Thursday, April 25, 2024, Laura Döbereiner (class 7ad of the Staatliche Realschule Selb) as well as Bilha Jankowski, Tamina Reich and Leni Schlosser from class 8c of the Walter-Gropius-Gymnasium Selb got a first insight into how packaging is created that is perfectly adapted to the respective product. At Bohemia Cristal, it is extremely important to find the perfect packaging for safe transportation at all trade levels due to the glass product range.

Girls Day 1
Girls Day 2
Girls Day 3

The topic of packaging development was very exciting for seventh grader Laura, who reported after the day: "I thought it was really nice to get an insight into real working life. I found the tasks that had to be done (e.g. cardboard packaging development or storage space optimization) very interesting." The company also focuses on sustainability, which means optimal dimensions and ideal pallet utilization, including for subsequent shipping (e.g. truck loading) and warehousing. The students were shown by the warehouse staff how to create a pallet scheme and were able to do this themselves after just a few attempts. They also learned what other work is subsequently required to make the product ready for sale, such as attaching labels with the EAN code for smooth processing at the scanner checkouts in retail. The girls were also shown how to operate the various tools in the warehouse area, for example a double-decker pallet truck. All four students really enjoyed packing and finishing the product for sale. The Girls' Day participants were also impressed by the size of the warehouse in Selb. Bohemia Cristal has a 25,000 m² warehouse at its headquarters. This is the only way the company can ensure that its customers have sufficient stock of its extensive range and guarantee fast delivery.