1975 - 1995
Bohemia Cristal was founded in 1975 on April 19 as a trading company for Bohemian glass by the German businessman Günter Weidemann and the former Czechoslovakian export trading company Glasexport in Liberec. The registration in the commercial register took place in May 1975 in Hanover.
In 1978 Bohemia Cristal acquired the buildings of the former porcelain factory 'Christoph Krautheim' in Selb. Then in February 1979 they transfer the location from Hanover to Selb. Therewith the company secured a location in the middle of Europe and forms also a logistical centre for the European glass market.

The development of the young company was very rapid in the first years: The number of employees increased with in five years from four to 34 employees and in 1982 the sales volume counted already 25 Million D-mark. 1989 the company achieved for the first time a sales volume over 50 Million D-mark. The personnel maximum was in 1993 with ca. 102 employees. In the following years the number of employees settles down at 85 employees. Today there are over 50 employees in Selb and the company belongs, due to its sales volume, to one of the biggest glass trading companies of Germany.